A Souper Fundraiser for Cancer

A group of fundraiser attendees surveys the handmade bowls for purchase

The National Honor Society hosted their annual Souper Bowl fundraiser. This year, NHS partnered with Visual Arts Club to bring to the table beautiful and colorful bowls, decorated with creative and stunning designs.

Despite the frigid temperatures and icy road conditions, the fundraiser saw some of its highest attendance numbers.  At the fundraiser, attendees experienced not only warm soup served with bright smiles, but face painting for the little ones and a magic show by Oak Lawn’s very own Matt Arndt.

While there were plenty of activities to enjoy in addition to the soup, attendees had the option of purchasing handmade clay bowls made by NHS students. The donations received from the bowls, and ticket sales, went towards the clubs members’ entrance fees for Relay for Life.

Relay for Life is an overnight fundraiser that benefits the American Cancer Society. During the event, student teams of 10 spend the night at school, with at least one student walking the track in honor of cancer survivors and those that lost the battle to cancer. The money also goes towards cancer research.

    Overall, the Souper Bowl was a smashing success; don’t worry, the bowls weren’t actually smashed, thankfully.