Holiday Horoscopes

March 21 – April 20
It’s almost the end of the year and you’ve pretty much already thrown the towel in, but seriously, don’t get ahead of yourself. You may think you’re ready to take on the finals, but it’s always good to get at least a little more studying done. Winter break may be just around the corner, but that doesn’t mean you’re off the hook yet. Don’t forget to take time to connect with friends and family just before the holidays.
April 21 – May 21
You may be overwhelmed with projects, studying, and gift shopping, but don’t sweat. It may not be your time of the year, but you can still make it count. Keep a level head, take time to organize yourself, have fun, and seriously, do not procrastinate on that important project! You know which one I’m talking about!
May 22 – June 21
You’re excited for school to end and for Winter break to begin, that’s for sure. In fact, saying you’re eager for the holidays is a massive understatement. Chill out! I know it’s hard to hold all of that excitement in, but by doing so, it’ll make waiting for the holidays much easier.
June 22 – July 22
Just thinking about your final exams makes you shudder with fear. You love the holidays, but you’re stressed out by the chaos that precedes it. Take a step back so you can look at your current situation in a different light and that will surely help you find the perfect solution.
July 23 – August 21
It’s the holidays, and you’re pondering over what you want as a gift. As important as that seems, it’s also a good idea to look around and pay attention to your loved ones’ needs. It’s never a bad thing to be a little more selfless.
August 22 – September 23
You look at the final exams as a challenge. You’ve practically memorized the content in your textbooks and you’re 100% prepared to ace the finals. But by immersing yourself in your notes, you’re missing out on spending time with loved ones. It’s totally okay to take a break every once and awhile. Go enjoy yourself!
September 24 – October 23
Unlike those around you, you’re pretty relaxed and ready for the holidays. And that’s good thing! Most people are frantic during the holidays, but you’re as cool as a cucumber. During this season, you should take the time to help others achieve this calm state so that they can sit back and just enjoy the holidays for what they are.
October 24 – November 22
Right now the holidays are the least of your worries. You currently have a lot going on in your life, but don’t panic. You’ll be fine. If you put your mind to it, you will pull through your problems and come out on top.
November 23 – December 22
This is your time of the year. You’re looking forward to upcoming events in your life, even though it feels overwhelming to have so much going on at once. Just go with the flow and make your Winter break count.
December 23 – January 20
Chances are, all you’ve been able to think about since December are the final exams. You’re studying 24/7 and you’re super stressed about testing, even though you’ll probably ace your exams anyway. Relax, it’s almost Winter break. You’ll do just as fine if you step back and take a little time to chill out.
January 21 – February 19
Right now there are certain things going on in your life that are super important and need to be addressed. But seriously, don’t let that get in the way of everything. Put some time aside to do activities you enjoy and spend time with the people you love. You’ll surely have time to focus on that super important thing later.
February 20 – March 20
We get it. You love the holidays. But don’t let that distract you from what’s currently going on right now. You should be focusing on the present, not the future.