Spartans of Oak Lawn: Mr. Swag

Pictured: Mr. Armstrong

We spoke with Mr. Armstrong on November 5, 2015. Mr. Armstrong is a substitute teacher at OLCHS. He is known around school as a popular teacher and is well liked throughout the halls of Oak Lawn. We asked Mr. Armstrong what it was like to be favored by most students. He claimed to be honored; however, he does not strive to be favored so, though he does look to be an inspiration and motivation to students. When asked how students succeed through their educators, he replied, “In order to achieve greatness, you have to exude positive energy.” Mr. Armstrong makes positive impacts on students he comes in contact with, but, more specificity, he spreads positivity throughout the choir not only at Oak Lawn, but through church and several music groups. We also asked Mr. Armstrong regarding advice for students. Confidently, he stated three important pieces of advice: to own your community, to not be afraid to be creative, and to respect yourself and your teachers. He stated, “Respect is the biggest principle that we often forget.” Mr. Armstrong went on to say that students should be involved and stay involved. Finally, when asked how he felt about his nickname, “Mr. Swag,” he responded, “ I feel cool and honored, and the nickname reflects my personal style of expressing what I try to give off as a mentor and as an educator. I am a disciplinary; I understand this generation of learning.” Mr. Armstrong genuinely tries to engage himself with his students and understand them on a personal level. Mr. Armstrong is an inspiration and mentor to students. We are truly lucky to have him as a teacher here at OLCHS.