Spartans, it’s finally time for the annual “Sock the Court” basketball game! This event, presented by the Oak
Lawn National Honor Society, has been put on for at least eight years and is one of the most exciting events of
the winter season. During the varsity basketball game at Oak Lawn on January 31st, everyone who brings a
new pair of socks will throw them into a bucket at center court during halftime. The person whose pair of socks
makes the first bucket will win a $100 gift card! Make sure to encourage all family and friends to bring a pair of
socks, as each pair gives you a higher chance of winning the raffle. All socks will be donated to St. Vincent de
Paul. This year, the “Sock the Court” game will be against Richard’s High School. Make sure to come out and
support your Spartans against these cross-town rivals!