Contest play wins 3rd in state


Living up to expectations, the Oak Lawn Community High School theatre program comes third in this year’s spring contest play.


Oak Lawn’s theatre program is, undeniably, put together very well. The program has the support, funding, and resources that not many other schools have access to, which allows the students and staff to express themselves, and the message they’re trying to portray, as freely as they want to. The support our program offers paired with amazing actors, setups, and costumes creates a killer competition.


“The directors Mrs. Elliot and Mr. Kahriman were amazing and helped out the cast and crew a lot,” said Jet Pelaez, who played Septimo in the contest play. 


This year’s contest play, Wolf at the door, was based on Latino folklore and mythology. In the play, Isadora stands up against her abusive husband Septimo as he forces a very pregnant Yolot to stay and give her child to him against her will. The play shares a message of self-deliverance and survival, bringing to light the experiences of those in abusive situations. 


Additionally to the third place victory, the crew and set won first place in tech excellence for the large set category in state. The crew had to assemble and dismantle the set in a total of 20 minutes, making the set secure and aesthetically pleasing at the same time. 


The crew, directors, and actors alike put in an extreme amount of effort preparing for the competition and pulled off a beautiful and impressive performance. We’re excited to see the progression of the program as they continue to grow in next year’s performances.