Wrestling Season Comes To An End


Rory Ali, Staff Writer

As wrestling season has come to an end and spring season has begun. OLCHS has witnessed versatile wrestlers surpass many hardships in order to make it to the end. Varsity has shown great diligence working extremely hard to make sectionals with Hani Odeh and team captain Hunter Gray both at 182 weight class making it top 3 for regionals. Gray ended the season with a 23-16 win to lose and a 126 score point and Odeh ended the season with a 27-3 win to lose and a 164 score point giving our school 50 wins all together. Varsity, JV, and Freshmen combined, our school had over 155 wins and 132 losses, not including forfeits. In group terms, this means we had 8 wins and 11 loses. Highest score pointer Hani Odeh says “It’s not just wrestling it’s the work ethic that you put into it, it’s what you get out of it.” To be a good wrestler you have to put in as much effort as you could, practice your hardest so competing can be easy. Team Captain Hunter Gray says, “We started off kind of flat but as the season progressed we began building momentum. Then we won 6 duals in a row and Coach Long played a big part in that because he was always pushing everyone to fight harder on the Varsity level. Shoutout to Faris Qatanani and Raul Martinez with a combined 35 wins for the JV team.” The Oak Lawn Community High School wrestling team hopes to welcome many more wrestlers next season and congratulates all wrestlers this season for their dedication.