Leaders Learn New Skills- 2022 Leadership Conference

            Our school consists of so many outgoing and compassionate students who deserve to be celebrated for their defining leadership qualities. This year, Student Council, National Honor Society, and Student Athletic Leadership Team hosted a Student Leadership Conference at OLCHS to bring together leaders of many varieties. The goal of this event was to inspire, challenge, and empower everyone participating.

            Selected students began their day bright and early in the PAC before school even started and were provided with matching t-shirts and assorted breakfast items. After an introduction from hosts Sandy Berg, Haven Rupsch, and Sajida Mulhem, students broke off into small groups to participate in numerous activities. Each session was a way for students to get to know each other by comparing their traits, creating unique slideshows, and listening to and getting involved in presentations about being able to unleash their full potential.

            Since the main focus of the day was to connect students with one another an all-school assembly was held later on to allow students to step out of their comfort zones. Motivational speakers Matt and Phil of M&P presentations are known for their high energy pursuit of promoting self confidence and promoting a positive mindset. Students and staff were shocked and highly entertained when the usual expectations for school assemblies were shattered by M&P’s energetic volunteer activities. Participants engaged in wild and uncomfortable tasks such as brushing someone else’s hair, communicating like an animal, and dancing with an oddly shaped mannequin. The positivity that radiated from M&P reflected onto everyone in the school and created a fun atmosphere that was carried on throughout the day.

            After the assembly, leaders got the chance to talk one-on-one with M&P in the PAC. This informational session allowed everyone to learn many different ways in which they can prosper as a leader and as a person while managing their goals, mental health, and all around happiness. Everyone then broke off into service projects such as helping out at Oak Lawn Public Library, participating in focus groups, creating boxes of supplies for homeless veterans, and more. The 2022 Student Leadership Conference was an immersive, worthwhile experience that brought together the leaders of our school.