Final Farewell to the Sully Shuffle

After 14 Years the last Sully Shuffle event was on Sunday September 25, 2022. The Sully Shuffle is a 5k run, 3k walk, and post party that is held to raise money for the American Parkinson’s Disease Association. In the past the money raised from the Shuffle is all donated to the American Parkinson’s Disease Association Midwest Chapter (APA Midwest Chapter), but this year the profit is going to be split between the APA Midwest Chapter, and starting a Skip Sullivan Scholarship Fund.
Skip Sullivan was a teacher in Oak Lawn Community High School, who worked in OLCHS from 1973-2006. He was a history teacher, boys and girls basketball coach, head baseball coach, football coach, and golf coach.
Mrs. Meyers, the creator of the event, was interviewed about her views of how the Sully Shuffle went.
How do you think the event went? “Well this was our last event. We have been doing this for the past 14 years, this being the 11th event. I think it went really well. We had over 50 little kids in our mini shuffle, which is the biggest we ever had. We had over 200 runners and walkers, and close to 200 people at the post party, this was a really good turn out. People were very generous with their business donations and at the raffle. We haven’t crunched all the numbers yet, but I think we did really well this year.
Skip Sullivan passed away November, 2021 making this last event in honor of his passing. Originally the Sully Shuffle was in honor of Skip Sullivan raising money for Parkinson’s Disease because of his condition, but this year the Sully Shuffle was switched up and called The Memorial Run in memory of Skip Sullivan .
Some money was still donated to the APA and the rest will be used as a scholarship fund that would keep his memory alive. The details about this scholarship are still being worked out, but here is an idea of how it will be. This will be an academic scholarship to focus on the morals and characteristics Sully had, in order to keep his memory alive.
Even though Skip Sullivan isn’t with us anymore, we can still keep his memory alive and have his contributions in our heart