Ready for the Summer?

Ready for the Summer?

These next weeks of school are our last of the school year, seeing senior friends move on into the next step of their lives, and events coming up this summer. If you don’t know what to do this summer, well some people are doing summer jobs or going to carnivals or going to the mall or going out to the city or country. Movies and albums come out this summer like; Mr. Morale by Kendrick Lamar, Bobs Burgers the Movie, etc.

A student stated, “Working and going to Michigan” Lilly Hansen (Sophomore) stated. Later on, they also stated, “I’ll be so bored ill miss school. I guess, enjoy because before you know, while you can b it’ll be all over”. Deep statement from them. Another student had stated, Arianna Berry (freshman), “I’m going to Puerto Rico for my 16th birthday” Lucky person, Hoping for the best time of her life in Puerto Rico.

Another student, Keyonna Winston, stated, “Just hanging out with my closest friends” which is what most people will do. Some people are going to be hanging out with friends most of the time. Some will just sleep all summer through. Though many people will be relieved after finals and AP tests are over and can’t wait for the upcoming break. Certain people will miss the people they will see or the memories they’ll miss but everyone has one little thing they will miss but will enjoy the summer at the end of the day, and on the first day of school this fall, it will be shown that this summer will be a great summer for all of those who go to oak community high school, rest assured.