Spring is Coming: Horoscopes


Joyce Reising, Staff Writer


January 20 – February 18

 Although it’s hard to socialize right now, try to plan some safe hang outs with your friends, especially on spring break! Whether it’s over facetime or from 10 feet away, make sure to keep up to date with those around you. As the sun starts to peek out and the flowers start to grow, surround yourself with those who will bring a positive environment to your life! Good things come when you smile and be happy! 


February 19 – March 20

A new season can bring out the creative vibes that dull towards the end of the last one. As spring comes, use the many feelings, animals, or weather to get those creative juices flowing. You can use this inspiration in art or music, or even just to redecorate your room! Don’t stop when a roadblock or criticism comes your way, keep moving forward and just have fun! 


March 21 – April 20

As spring approaches and big tests start to roll around, you will find yourself wanting to work harder to make sure these life changing events go off without a hitch. While this is all happening, make sure to take a break and focus on your self care. In order for things to go to plan, you need some days where you can just relax. Make sure to take these days as much as you need. 


April 20 – May 20

Start off the year with positivity! Share with others and give back to those around you. You don’t always have to just donate food or money. Try sharing your time to help others or even a hobby you like with someone who isn’t familiar with it. Attempt at picking up another hobby as well! Even if it doesn’t work out like it’s intended, at least you tried something new and hopefully had a bun of fun doing it! 


May 21 – June 20

School can start to get stressful in the springtime, make sure to balance out this stress with calm activities like reading a book, gardening, or listening to music. Another stressful producer is being stuck inside, especially when you’re in a pandemic! Try to get out everyday for a walk or just to do your school work outside for a change. Switch it up! 


June 21 – July 22

When the weather warms up or there is a warm day in the week, go outside! Take advantage of the period of warmth to go to a nearby lake or pond, go for a hike, or just even go for a bike ride at your nearest bike path! Maybe take a book with you or have some music on hand! Take this moment to enjoy spending time with yourself and mute the world for a little bit. Put away all distractions and just enjoy the company of yourself.


July 3 – August 22

Recently lots of organizations and companies have been reopening with safer precautions set in place. In a safe manner try to go out and enjoy these events and businesses (Safely!!) Lots of businesses are struggling since they are getting less business! Try and go out and support your community, not only will it be fun to get out and enjoy these events, but you are also being a great aspect to your neighborhood. Try to take the opportunity to make another person’s day better. Some ways you can do this is taking in your neighbor’s garbage cans, drawing cool chalk murals on the sidewalk, or even just leaving a tip for a carry out worker!


August 23 – September 22

A great way to start the new year is with spring cleaning! Open up the windows, put on some tunes and have fun as you get rid of last year’s dirt and worries! And when you are all done with the hard work for the day, rest and have some fun!  Try reading a new book or pull out a coloring book. Relax and take all your worries and leave them in 2020. This year you will do amazing! Don’t be afraid to ask for help or feel that you are lesser than everyone else. You matter so much! Jump into this new year confidence, you can do it!


September 23  – October 22

This past year showed us that we still have so much to fight for! Fight for what you believe in too! If it is important to you, then it probably is to another person as well. Don’t worry about confrontation, if someone is being hurt or silenced, step up and fight for them. Even if it is something as small as a wrongly marked test grade, talk to someone about how you feel, your voice matters! Don’t feel that you are too small of a voice to change things, you got this! Just always be kind but strong. 


October 23 – November 21 

Typically Scorpios like being right and are passionate about what they believe in. If this relates to you, try joining the new debate club! It could be a new, fun hobby to start off your year! You could also pick something you are passionate in and look more into it, or  the opposite side of the argument. Learning the truths and the lies of each side could not only be an exciting thing to look into, but also a great way to build your knowledge on something you love!  If you do look into these activities, remember to alway be kind and friendly to others, despite their opinions.  Be the bigger person and fight with facts, not opinions. 


November 22 – December 21

For this new year, slow down! Take life one step at a time. Hold each promise and goal fully, do not leave these half completed. Enjoy life more! It’s hard with a pandemic, but try to do some of the things you’ve always wanted to do! Of course they should be things that you could do safely and hopefully at home, but there’s many things you could do as you’re stuck in the house! Build a pillow fort, make a stop motion, watch a 12-hour series, the possibilities are endless. 


December 22 – January 19

It is pretty known that Capricorn’s will hate almost everything eventually in life. Take this opportunity of having lots of free time to really find out what you like. You may learn something new about yourself! Don’t give up on something before you try it. As well as physical objects, Capricorn’s have a hard time with forgiving people. Start 2021 with dropping all the unfair grudges you have with people, it will be good for you and will clear up a little more negativity in life.  Be happy