Sweet Creativity


A perfect peppermint masterpiece by a Spartan Artist

Denisa Budzak, Staff Writer

Spartan Art club banner.

On August 30th, 2018, the Visual Arts Club designed and created a banner for homecoming. Many students joined and participated in creating the banner. Some even drew ideas of their own! September 5th students began to paint their drawings.
Let’s give you a few sneak peek of what types of paintings you’ll be seeing at the dance. The students participated in painting the banner with bright cute colors. There was a lot of great team effort and the banner looks amazing!  One student painted lollipops with multiple such as purple, pink, and orange. Another student painted a lollipop mixed with blue and red. There are many more designs created by students, that will make you say “WOW” .
You will love these sweet creations and you will get to see them at the homecoming dance! You will be seeing lollipops, peppermint candies, gummy bears, and a Spartan holding a lollipop!  Their creations are definitely a work of art. The two paintings that really screams candy are the 3d painted peppermint candy and the 3d painted gummy bear! Hope you are excited and can’t wait to see you there.