A Sweet and Savory Moment to Remember

Our treatful theme for Homecoming 2K18.

Have you ever had a cavity? Well watch out for this year, because our theme for homecoming is Spartans in Candyland! The OLCHS Spirit Week will be centered around different events representing school spirit and a sweet indulgence for candies. Don’t forget to show your true Spartan PRIDE, especially during the pep rally, because extra boisterous students will win prizes! REMINDER: Dance tickets will be sold in the student cafeteria during all lunch periods…$15 per person on MONDAY and TUESDAY. The homecoming spirit week goes as follows:

Friday, September 14th: Flashback Friday! Dress up in retrohomecoming gear, and don’t forget…window painting for extracurricular clubs will be held in the student cafeteria from 3-5 PM.

Monday, September 17th: Tootsie Roll out of Bed! Eat candy for breakfast, lounge out in your coziest pajamas, and enjoy a delicious day at school!

Tuesday, September 18th: Clash of the Spartans! Be LOUD and PROUD at the assembly and wear your class-coordinated color (Freshmen: Grey; Sophomores: Black; Juniors: White; Seniors: Green).

Wednesday, September 19th: Hawaiian Punch Day! Come to school with a sugary BAM by dressing up in Hawaiian style, in honor of our favorite childhood drink.

Thursday, September 20th: Taste the Neon Rainbow! Taste the rainbow by wearing a colorful rainbow-themed. Also, be sure to come to the PARADE down Austin Avenue OLCHS at approximately 7:30 PM. There will be fireworks and the coronation for our CandyLand Homecoming King and Queen.

Friday, September 21st : End the sugarhigh week with a big bang by showing true school spirit. GREEN N’ WHITE! GREEN N’ WHITE! GREEN N’ WHITE! GREEN N’ WHITE! Come to the Homecoming game against Evergreen Park!

The homecoming dance will be held one day after the Homecoming Game— September 22nd, from 7-11 PM. Have fun, Spartans! And remember, stay safe!