“Anime”zing Time!

“Anime”zing Time!

Do you like Anime? Science Fiction? Just hanging out and making friends? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this school may have a club you’ll enjoy. The Anime Sci-fi club (sometimes simply referred to as Anime club) is a fun experience in which Thursday we watch and episode (or two) from different show. It’s a great time to kick back, relax, and sit with friends or meet new ones. Upcoming events include a movie night at the end of October where we watch Coraline in the media center. (pizza and drinks are provided, yum!) Another movie night is planned to come soon after where in mid-November we watch Guardians of the Galaxy. Quite a bit further in the future, in April comes one of my favorite events: Mangapolis. Mangapolis is a sort of mini anime convention hosted every year at the media center. There is free pizza, soda and, if you’re feeling adventurous, Japanese snacks. As students come and go every year the lineup of booths has a tendency to change but the highlights of last year were the video games, Jackie’s paints, and all the people in cosplay. Later in the spring comes cooking day, where we make interesting treats (and eat them), and, finally, one of my favorite events, the Super Smash tourney towards the end of the year. In conclusion, Anime club is an amazing experience and I definitely think you should check it out.