The Shake Of Mexico

Car in The city of Mexico stuck under rubble after category 4.9 earthquake.

Mexico suffered from a tragic event in the month of September as two earth quakes struck and caused castrophe to our neighbor country. Mexico is known for their earthquakes, but when one was particularly set off, another earthquake struck and hurt the country even more.

Mexico has always suffered from earthquakes, but these two in particular were very strong. killed many people, and destroyed many houses and/or buildings. The deadly earthquakes took place in the center of Mexico’s capital or Mexico City. The earthquakes landed in the Anniversary of the tragic 1986 earthquake that took many lives in the same city.

The earthquake was so powerful that it made many buildings crumble and many houses were destroyed as the the beautiful Mexico City shook and took many lives of people. The earthquakes took the lives of two hundred and twenty-five people. At the time being a school collapsed near the city’s capital trapping twenty-one children and four adults in the school. It took almost two days to help the people stuck in the School’s rubble.

In the city almost thirty-two buildings collapsed in the city of Mexico and rescuers were sent for two days to search through the rubble and hopefully save the lives of the people stuck under the pile of rubble. Many videos started to take the internet over as painful screams were heard as the buildings collapsed and took the many lives of the people near or in the buildings.

The earthquakes were ruled out to be a seven out of ten making it one of the most power earthquake to hit Mexico. A seismologist concludes that the earthquakes could be big because Mexico falls between the boundaries of three fault lines. Fault lines consist of the earth tectonic plates in which they meet with each other. As they push against each other they can form great amounts of pressure causing a sudden shift. This results in earthquakes and the sudden shake of them, but because Mexico has three fault lines, big earthquakes like the ones that occurred could always happen.