A ‘Wonder’ful Film
Over the summer, you may have seen advertising for “Wonder Woman”, the latest D.C. film. Starring Gal Gadot and Chris Pine. The film combines fantastic visual effects, wonderful writing, excellent acting, and a magnificent score (who could forget the chilling theme that the film opens with) to create an astounding film. While not the first superhero film starring a woman to hit the big screen, it certainly is the first one to have any real effort put into it; which, after duds like 2004’s “Catwoman”, is a breath of fresh air.
Despite being a relatively new face compared to her costar, the star of our film, Diana, portrayed by Israeli actress Gal Gadot, never fails to take the spotlight, with excellent delivery of her lines, and performing the choreography of the films fight excellently. Never throughout the film does her acting seem stiff, in fact it brings a certain energy to the film that only boosts the quality of the story and action.
Of course Gadot isn’t the only actor to shine, from Antiope (portrayed by Robin Wright, of “Princess Bride” and “House of Cards” fame) to Chief Napi (portrayed by Eugene Brave Rock, of the Kainai Nation, a Blackfoot First Nations tribe) the supporting cast performs magnificently. Speaking of Napi, the film is unique in that you hear him speak Blackfoot in the film, uncommon outside of Native American/First Nations films. All characters are written fantastically and portrayed perfectly, with no performance testing our suspension of disbelief. The film even acknowledges issues that mark the time period (unfortunately many of which still exist today), such as the racism of the day, and the PTSD Charlie (a veteran) faces. And surprisingly, considering some of the films that have been released lately, it does so without being obviously pandering.
The script is fantastic, with clever dialogue perfectly capturing the mood, from humorous to somber, the emotions in the film always feel real. None of the character’s actions feel out of place, and no lines feel shoehorned in. Overall, this film is fantastic with a perfect combination of the acting, writing, and directing. It is truly a wonderful film which I would recommend you pick up on DVD or blu-ray when it comes out on September 19th, or buy it digitally today, it’s definitely worth the money.