Starting the Season

The varsity softball has a new Coach! Mr. Probst took the spot after Coach Frangella retired after many successful years. Mr. Probst is the freshman Football Coach as well as a teacher here at OLCHS.

“Coach Probst is focusing on rebuilding, as many of the girls are new to each other and are focusing on becoming a solid team.” Says senior and left fielder, Annabelle Fritz.
The weather in the first weeks has been continuously rainy, resulting in many of the Girl’s games being rained out. As of April 5th, the girls have a record of 2 and 2, but as the season progresses many of the girls are hopeful for the remainder of the season.
The Varsity team has about 6 new girls as well as 8 returning girls, many of which are seniors. The girls are very dedicated and practice 6 days a week and care a lot about their preformance. The Junior Varsity and Freshmen still have the same Coaches; Coach Mcglynn for Junior Varsity and Coach Reed for Freshman.
Varsity has many games left, and after last year’s Varsity Regionals win, the team is working towards another. The girls can be seen wearing Oak Lawn spirit wear, and most have matching equipment, something new this year for the softball players.

Come out and support Oak Lawn’s Softball Team because the games are fun and exciting. You’ll have a great time, so cheer the girls on as the continue in their season!