Trump Trump’d by US Court on Travel Ban
The Trump Administration’s recent ban on several groups of people from entering the country, namely from seven Muslim countries, is currently in suspension, as a ruling on February 3 asked the White House and states challenging the ban to substantiate, by the Monday following, more arguments. Judge James Robert was described as having doubted the truth behind president Trump’s claims regarding national security as motive for the ban.
Two states have emphatically denounced the ban’s unconstitutional nature, adducing the particular singling-out of Muslim countries as blatantly invidious. However, the Justice Department did declare that states had no authority to oppose a presidential executive order.
The president’s order may be brought to the Supreme Court on the basis on an emergency, but if the order is upheld on Monday, it will most likely end up there anyway. As of now, US immigration will be just as it was before Donald Trump issued his order until a decision is reached. Instead of defending the shaky legality of the order, Trump may redact it to appease opposition but his obstinacy may prevent that.
Countries about the world lauded the revocation of the travel ban. The Iraqi government likened it to a “move in the right direction.” Whereas, in Iran, the American wrestling team is as of now allowed to compete in a World Cup held there after being denied visas.
Mr. Trump vilipended Judge Robart, describing his ruling as ridiculous and disparaging the abilities of the “so-called judge.” Judge Robart, it should be noted, served as a federal judge since 2004, nominated by erstwhile president George W Bush.
Presently, individuals from the recently banned countries and their families are scrambling to fly to the US in what they see as a slim window of time to re-enter. For the moment, visa cancellations are being reversed and US homeland security as been ordered to respect the new ruling.